Employee Education

Case Study @

Netflix hired us alongside our close friend Andre Nader of FAANG FIRE because past presenters merely used the opportunity to pitch employees on their advisory services.

Tisk tisk.

Rather than go with a big bank, Netflix hired us to build a one-of-a-kind educational series focused on how Netflix New Grads can hit the ground running with their finances as they start their career. And we delivered.

Employee education from people that actually educate.
Photo inside Netflix HQ after Session #2

Session #1 Focus

The purpose of the first session was to lay the groundwork for multiple areas of personal finance and provide inspiration showing that proper money management can lead to you doing things you want to do in life (EquityFTW exists because of years and years of saving and investing diligently. Andre is FIRE’d because of years and years of saving and investing diligently.)

Here’s the outline:

  • Introductions

  • Getting paid at Netflix

  • Review of Netflix benefits

  • Getting taxed and how taxes work

  • Tracking Cashflow

  • What to do with excess cashflow

  • Investing 101

  • Financial memes and myths

  • 30-minute Q&A

Session #2 Focus

The purpose of the second session was to ensure that attendees went from a basic level of understanding, to actually being able to implement some of the important personal finance basics we discussed in session one.

We also sent a survey following Session #1 to gather feedback, comments, and questions to ensure we were putting together information that would actually be relevant in Session #2.

Here’s the outline:

  • Introductions

  • Review of feedback, comments, and Qs

  • Understanding FIRE

  • FIRE calculations & “retirement” calculations

  • Example of someone’s path to FIRE

  • Investing basics part 2

  • Account flowchart & process for opening investment accounts

  • 30-minute Q&A + additional 45 minute Q&A tacked on after the session block

What do your employees need?

Every organization is different, so we’re happy to custom-build whatever education your employees need.

Whether you’re a large publicly traded company like Netflix, or whether you're a private company that has yet to IPO, we’re here to help your employees understand their equity compensation and how to make smart personal financial decisions.