Advice-Only Services

Pay for the advice you need and that’s it.

$6,000 or $10,000 


Billed at End of Engagement  

One-time Engagement

PlanFTW is typically the starting point to work with us.

That said, we make exceptions if you’ve already worked with or are currently working with an advisor.

The engagement looks different for everyone, but here’s an outline:

  • Free intro call

  • We present a formal proposal

  • You say yes or no

  • Agreements are sent and we ask for statements/documents

  • We hold a deeper get-to-know-you meeting (Meeting #1)

  • We build out recommendations to address top concerns

  • Hold Meeting #2 to discuss top recommendations

  • We continue building out our recommendations and analysis

  • Hold Meeting #3 to discuss more recommendations

  • Hold a Final Meeting where we give you all our analyses and give you a prioritized Action Plan

We often don’t need four meetings (we only host them if necessary).

Everything to the right (or below on mobile) can be done during the one-time planning engagement.

Looking forward to meeting you!


$800 or $1,600

Billed Monthly                      

Ongoing Relationship        

What comes after PlanFTW. Our ongoing relationships with clients provide advice and help to execute the advice.

Public Equity Optimization 

  • RSU Tax Estimates

  • Trading Window Planning

  • Stock Option Planning

  • Concentrated Stock Analysis

  • 10b5-1 Plan Strategy Discussion

  • Multi-year Sale Strategy

  • Equity Dashboard

Non-Public Equity Optimization

  • ISO/NSO Optimization

  • AMT Crossover Calculations

  • Option Exercise Scenario Analysis

  • Early Exercise Strategy

  • Multi-year Exercise Strategy

  • 83(b) Election Advice

  • Equity Dashboard

Tax Planning

  • Review Previous Tax Returns

  • Optimize Equity Comp for Tax Savings

  • Determine Roth vs Pre-tax Strategies

  • Assess Roth Conversion Strategies

  • Charitable Giving Strategy Discussions

  • Monitor Personal Income Tax Rate

Detailed Investment Analysis

  • Current Portfolio Evaluation

  • Expense Ratio Testing

  • Personalized Investment Portfolio Recommendations

  • Pre-tax vs Roth Selection Analysis

Estate Planning

  • Review of Basic Estate Planning Docs (Will, Trust, Power of Attorney, Healthcare Directives)

  • Estate Projection and Flowchart

  • Advanced Estate Planning

Retirement Planning

  • Cash Flow Planning

  • Financial Goals Discussion

  • Retirement/Sabbatical Projections

Salary & Equity Discussion

  • Provide Connections for Contract Review

  • Optimize Equity Structure Based on You

  • Ensure Understanding of Equity Agreements

Real Estate Analysis

  • Primary Residence Tax Strategy

  • Rent vs Buy Analysis

  • Analyze Investment Properties

  • Rental Cash Flow Analysis

Employee Benefits Optimization

  • Benefits Coordination Between Spouses

  • Provide Recommendations on Common Coverages

Insurance Review

  • Review Major Types of Insurance Coverages (Life, Home, Auto, Umbrella, Disability, etc.)

  • Connect with Insurance Professionals

Benefits of Our Services

Ultimately all that matters is the benefit you receive from our services, not the services themselves. Here are the top 5 benefits.

#1 - Understand your equity, investments, insurance, and taxes better than you ever have.

#2 - Receive communication and recommendations in plain English.

#3 - Avoid tax payment surprises.

#4 - Advice is direct, custom to you, and free from the worry we only want your portfolio.

#5 - Have a plan to accomplish what you want in life without your portfolio being weighed down by management fees.

Frequent Asked Questions

  • (1) People with above DIY-level complexity and who want advice they can trust.

    (2) People who want advice but don't want someone to manage their investment assets.

    (3) People who want a second opinion from their current advisor.

    (4) People with advanced equity compensation questions/planning needs (this might go without saying because of all of the site’s content).

  • Ongoing is like getting regular car maintenance, one-time is like getting a new car. (Or like maintaining a garden vs buying veggies.)

    Making smart financial decisions over time requires making a lot of decisions, followed by lots of adjustments. Ongoing helps you make good financial decisions and helps you avoid costly mistakes because we’re alongside you during the journey. One-time is beneficial because we’re able to lay out a map of where we think you should head.

  • No, but we commonly start with a one-time plan. If you've already had another advisor build you a plan or you're really confident in what you've built, we can start with the ongoing service.

  • The difference between the lower and higher fees ultimately comes down to the total time we need to spend to provide you with correct advice – the total time we spend completely depends on the complexity of your situation.

    We won’t leave you wondering and will tell you upfront which fee will be applicable after you describe your situation to us.

  • Countless ways. The biggest drivers of value are different for every client. That said, the easiest areas for us to find value are (1) we reduce/eliminate need for an advisor who bills investment accounts, (2) save tax dollars by tax planning and reviewing previous tax returns (and reduce charge hours by your CPA), (3) improve outcomes from the equity compensation you receive.

    We try hard to quantify the value/savings we’re providing each of our clients as we work together. Our hope is that your net worth increases faster than it would have had you continued to not engage with us.

  • We give you an action plan highlighting near-term action items, intermediate action items, and long-term action items. We also provide deliverables for other areas that are applicable to you.

    From there, you can go implement on your own, choose to engage with us on an ongoing basis, or just check back in whenever you need help again.

  • Let us know and we’ll stop billing. Since we bill monthly, it’s helpful if we have a 30 day notice, but we’re understanding. We’d also appreciate any and all feedback you have for us.

  • This one depends on how much of the engagement we’ve completed. Usually we bill based on the percentage that’s complete - just let us know and we can have a conversation.